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Category: Brain Health

Hope for Parkinson’s Disease
Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox are famous people who have Parkinson’s disease, and one in 500 people in Canada will join their ranks. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative neurological disease that slowly affects the ability to control movement.  Symptoms can include tremors, difficulty walking and speaking.  Early symptoms can include decreased thirst, loss of smell, constipation,
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Healing Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury
The human brain is a remarkable feat of engineering.  But with the consistency of Jello, it is quite vulnerable to damage from injuries.  Every year about 200,000 Canadians suffer concussions.  Sports injuries and car accidents are two common causes of brain injuries, but for seniors, concussions are more likely to be caused by a fall.  The good news
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Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment
Our brains are made up of an intricately interconnected web of neurons, run by electrical impulses that jump from cell to cell across gaps called synapses.  Chemical messengers help transmit those impulses, and this symphony of cells, chemicals and electricity results in all the thoughts, feelings and bodily functions that make us who we are. Age related memory
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Stroke Prevention
The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation has recently raised the alarm bell to warn that stroke is not only a significant problem for Canadians, but that many of us don’t know what to look for in order to detect a stroke, and seek crucial early treatment. You’ve likely seen their ad campaign, reminding Canadians of the signs of
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Mitochondrial Function Key to Health
Have you ever wondered why the body ages or why you seem to have less energy as you age? It turns out the answer lies deep within the cells in a tiny organelle called the mitochondria. They are the energy producers of the body. They turn our food into the fundamental fuel that drives cellular activity. It is
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Memory: Solutions for “Senior’s Moments”
It’s important that as people age they find ways to keep both their bodies and minds sharp. In my years of medical practice, I have witnessed patients who experience the anxiety that comes when they recognize that their memory is failing. Whether they are forgetting where they put their keys more often, are having trouble finding words or
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Think Straight, Feel Great: The Gut Brain Connection
Have you ever had a ”gut wrenching experience?” Have you felt butterflies in your stomach, or had a “gut feeling?” We all have experienced the influence that our thoughts and feelings can have on our stomach, but research is now showing that our guts can influence our mood, behaviour and thinking more that we had previously realized. The
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