The naturopathic physicians at the Macdonald Centre for Natural Medicine believe that when it comes to acute health issues, you should get the care you need, when you need it.
We offer short, in-person or video / telephone visits to focus on one acute health issue. We strive to have appointments available within one to two working days. These urgent care visits are available to new patients and our returning patients. They are not meant to replace routine care with your family doctor or naturopathic physician. The ND may suggest a full initial appointment to address the issue more comprehensively.
See if your urgent concern is something we can address by looking at the criteria below. If so, then skip the line-ups and exposure risk at conventional walk-in clinics, spend more time with the physician, and get started on your healing by booking a visit with one of our experienced naturopathic physicians.
ND’s can not treat acute COVID-19 infections. Do not come to our clinic if you think you have COVID or could have a COVID infection.
What we CAN help you with:
Cold, flu, cough, sore throat (if tested negative for COVID-19 – bring photo of your test result)
Infections, such as bladder, yeast, ear, skin (minor)
Back and joint pain
Painful periods
Heart burn
Abdominal pain and nausea
Diarrhea and constipation
Some prescription refills, at the doctor’s discretion
Blood and urine testing (fees not covered by MSP)
Other non-emergency yet acute health issues
What we CAN’T help you with:
Medical emergencies
Suspected COVID-19 infections
Children under three years old
Pregnant women
Referrals to specialists
X-rays, CT or MRI scans
Sign forms such as disability
Doctor’s notes
Prescription pain killers, tranquillizers or sleep aids
Stitches or wound care
Remove moles
Chronic disease management
PAP tests (available, but the visit is called PAP test / Women’s health exam)
What to expect at your urgent care visit:
- a brief consultation about the main concern
- a focused physical exam if needed
- lab testing if needed (patients pay in-house for blood/urine tests done at Lifelabs)
- a treatment plan consisting of naturopathic and possibly prescription approaches
After your urgent care visit, a full fee initial naturopathic visit may be required if you need follow-up for:
- ongoing monitoring
- addressing the underlying causes of the acute condition and how it may relate to other conditions you have
The fee for an urgent care visit is $70. Fees are paid in-office, that day (Cash, Debit, Visa and MasterCard). You can submit your receipt to your extended health insurance company if that applies. Some limited reimbursement is available from the Supplementary Benefit program for lower-income people through the BC government. Natural medicines are not covered by any insurance. Prescriptions are covered the same whether an ND or an MD prescribes them.
Remember, our urgent care visits aren’t a replacement for emergency care. Please call 911 or report to the nearest emergency room if you have a serious health crisis or have any of the following:
chest pain or suspected stroke
trouble breathing
unusual bleeding
overdose or poisoning
broken bones, dislocated joints
very ill small children with fevers
vomiting or diarrhea with blood
acute head injuries
burns covering a large area
eye injuries or sudden visual disturbance
Call the BC Nurse Line at 811 if you are not sure whether you should go to the hospital.
If, after reading this, you think you are a good candidate for our Naturopathic Urgent Care Visit, then book online or call our office at (250) 897-0235
Monday through Thursday 9:30-5:30
Fridays 9:30-3:00
Then scoll down to “Urgent Care Visit” and choose either in-person visit or video/phone visit.