The list of conditions that are helped by ensuring adequate Vitamin D levels is growing.  New research shows that lowered Vitamin D levels can drive blood sugars up to dangerous diabetic levels.  The adult type of diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, and low Vitamin D has been shown to inhibit the functioning of the insulin receptors, thus allowing blood sugar to circulate in the blood and damage tissues.

Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked with a 30% increase in uterine fibroid tumours.  Fibroids commonly affect women in their 30’s and 40’s in this part of the world.  Vitamin D has long been known to also affect bone health, immune strength and to prevent some cancers.

So do you have enough?  In the US, 50% of the population is considered deficient.  In Canada the numbers are much higher.  Our Northern latitude prevents the sun from being strong enough to stimulate Vitamin D synthesis for most of the year.  During the couple of months that we do get strong sunlight, most of us diligently use sunscreen.  So the rates of Vitamin D deficiency are on the rise.  If you are curious about your levels of Vitamin D, Dr. Macdonald can order a blood test to determine if you are in the safe range after a summer of exposure.  If you are not high enough now, for sure you’ll be deficient in a couple of months when the warm days of summer are a distant memory.   The optimal form of supplemental vitamin D is in liquid form.  Taking 1,000 to 2,000 IU’s a day is usually enough to prevent deficiency, unless you are dark skinned, in which case you would need more.  Vitamin D is inexpensive and quite safe to take.

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