Ride the Wave: Mastering Urge Surfing

Navigating the journey to better health requires strategies to handle the inevitable cravings and temptations that arise. As a naturopathic physician, I’ve witnessed many individuals set off on the path to improved well-being, only to be sidetracked by the siren call of these urges. Whether it’s the lure of a late-night snack, the temptation to skip a workout, or the irresistible draw of sugary treats, sticking to health goals can feel like riding a rollercoaster. However, I want to introduce you to an effective technique that can help you stay on track: urge surfing.

Urge surfing is about learning to ride out your cravings like a pro surfer riding the waves. It’s a mindfulness technique that helps you observe and manage your urges without giving in to them. It empowers us to pause, acknowledge the urge, and consciously choose how to respond, rather than succumbing to impulsive eating behaviors. Here’s how you can master the art of urge surfing and stay committed to your health goals.

The first step to urge surfing is to become aware of the urge. When you feel a craving creeping in, take a moment to acknowledge it. Say to yourself, “I feel the urge to eat that chocolate bar” or “I feel like skipping my workout today.” Naming the urge helps bring it into your conscious awareness, making it easier to manage.

Next, take a few moments to observe the urge. What does it feel like? Is it a tightness in your chest, a rumbling in your stomach, or a restless feeling in your body? Observe the urge without judgment or resistance. Imagine you are a scientist studying the sensation. This detachment helps reduce the urge’s power over you.

Now comes the part – riding the wave. Urges, like waves, rise and fall. They start small, build up, peak, and then eventually subside. When you feel an urge, imagine you are a surfer riding a wave. Breathe deeply and stay with the sensation as it intensifies. Remind yourself that it will pass. The key is not to fight the urge or give in to it, but to ride it out.

While riding the wave, it can be helpful to refocus your attention on something else. Engage in a different activity that can distract you from the urge. Go for a walk, read a book, practice a hobby, or chat with a friend. Shifting your focus helps the urge to fade away more quickly.

Once the urge has passed, take a moment to reflect on your success. Celebrate your victory, no matter how small it may seem. Each time you successfully ride out an urge, you strengthen your ability to resist future temptations. This builds confidence and reinforces your commitment to your health goals.

Like any skill, urge surfing takes practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll become. Remember, it’s normal to have cravings and feel tempted. What matters is how you respond to them. With compassionate self-reflection, you can learn from the times when you slip up. By practicing the art of urge surfing, you can better stay on track with your health goals and enjoy the journey towards a healthier, happier you. Next time you feel an urge coming on, grab your mental surfboard and ride that wave. Your future self will thank you. Stay healthy and happy surfing.


Dr. Deidre Macdonald, ND is a naturopathic physician practicing in downtown Courtenay. 250 897-0235 or www.getwellhere.com