While twelve-year-old boys may revel in the sound of their own gas, those plagued by excess gas will find that it is nothing to laugh about.  Excessive burping, bloating and flatulence bring distress and discomfort to more people than would like to admit it.  Despite the significant problem gas can cause, patients are often told something to the effect of, “Well, you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and you’re just going to have to live with it.”  I prefer to find and treat the underlying issues which cause gastrointestinal unrest.

Digestive dysfunction on a number of levels can contribute to excess gas.  Some people lack adequate stomach acid, or take acid-blocking medication for acid reflux.  Indigestion and gas problems can occur due to improper break down of food.  Further down, inadequate flow of digestive enzymes or bile can cause food to sit and ferment into gasses.  Constipation, diabetes, parasites, helicobactor pylori, multiple sclerosis and other medical conditions can cause excess gas.

Gas results from the production of gas by intestinal bacteria when they digest sugars and other carbohydrates.  Imbalances in the bacterial lining of the intestines, called the microbiome, can be a significant source of gas and bloating, as well as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Immune issues, poor diet, c-sections, antibiotics and acid-blocking drugs can alter the microbiome .  In Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, also known as SIBO, excess gas is a key symptom. Also, a common yeast called Candida albicans can proliferate  to a level that can cause excess fermentation, leading to gas and other symptoms.

Some people’s gas is attributable to food allergies which can be determined with the help of a naturopathic physician.  Celiac disease, or intolerance to lactose, fructose or artificial sweeteners can each result in gas and bloating.  It also probably comes as no surprise that beer and other carbonated beverages have the same affect. Lastly, as any vegetarian knows, beans can cause gas, along with the cabbage family vegetables.

In short, don’t let gas get you down.  It is often a symptom of an underlying disorder which can often respond well to proper treatment.  Anyone who says otherwise, quite frankly, is full of hot air. 

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